| | Medicine :The Complete ListAkash Garg's Web Site http://www.geocities.com/gargakash Akash's Other Web Sites http://www.geocities.com/dragarg http://gargakash.tripod.com Information categorized first by provider, then by subject. Please see the maintainer at the end of this document if you know of information not in this list.
Alphabetical QuicklinksClick on the letter to go to section of this list. Be sure to wait until the list has loaded or the later letters will not work! A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I,J,K,L, M,N,O,P,Q,R, S,T,U,V,W,X, Y,Z.
- A. Carle Hospital of Chest Diseases, Cuneo, Italy
- Aberdeen, University of, Scotland
- AGEN Biomedical Ltd., Brisbane, Australia -- medical diagnostics
- Center for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval, The,
- Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- Acquired Intelligence Inc. -- software company specializing in artificial intelligence
- Alabama, University of, Birmingham
- Alaska, University of, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
- Alberta, University of, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research
- Alchemical Medicine Research and Teaching Association (AMR'TA), Portland, OR
- Allen, Gregory, 2nd year Medical Student
- Allergy Society of South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa
- American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), Chicago, IL
- American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), Kansas City, MO
- Family Medicine Online -- information about a wide range of medical problems and health issues that affect families.
- AAFP Online -- available to registered members of the AAFP only.
- American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), Bethesda, MD
- American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM), Washington D.C.
- American Healthcare Radiology Administrators (AHRA)
- American Lung Association (ALA) -- online resource for information on asthma and other lung diseases, tobacco control, and environmental health
- American Medical Association
- American Medical Informatics Association, Bethesda, MD
- Internet Working Group -- dedicated to examining the Internet's use amongst the medical community.
- Medical Matrix at Slack Inc. -- a guide to Internet medical resources
- MMATRIX-L -- IWG Mailing List ("subscribe MMATRIX-L (your name)" in the message body)
- American Society for Microbiology, Washington D.C.
- Ann Rose & Associates, Atlanta, GA -- Women's Health Consultants
- Abortion Clinics OnLine -- a directory service comprised of providers of abortion services and other reproductive health care
- Applied Information Technologies, Inc., Midlothian, VA
- MedConnect -- Physician-to-Patient Voice Messaging Service
- Arbor Communications, Australia
- Area52 Inc.
- MEDIScan -- medical website search engine
- Arizona, University of, Tucson, AZ
- Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ
- Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) Medical Center, University of, Little Rock, AR
- Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), Washington D.C.
- Arohanui Conference Planners
- Artma Medizintechnik GmbH, Wien, Austria (Deutsch)
Artma Biomedical, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT (English) - Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
- Atlanta Reproductive Health Center, Atlanta, GA
- Atlanta South Gastroenterology, P.C., East Point, GA
- Ausmed Publications, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia -- supplier of publications and educational services for the health care community
- Australian Society of Anaesthetists, Edgecliff, NSW, Australia
- Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
- Austin Nutritional Research, Austin, Texas -- provider of vitamin supplements
- Avicenna Systems Corporation, University Park at MIT, Cambridge, MA
- Avicenna -- medical information for Healthcare Providers (planned premium, currently free)
- Avon Products, Inc.
- Avonlea Care Centre, Kelowna, BC, Canada -- a specialized care home for survivors of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- Ayurveda Holistic Center, Bayville, NY
- Bath, University of, Bath, England
- Basel, University of, Basel (German)
Universität Basel (Deutsch) - BBN Corporation, Cambridge, MA -- internet technology consultants
- Belmont Research, Inc., Cambridge, MA -- a provider of biomedical software and consulting
- Bergen, University of, Bergen, Norway (English)
Universitetet i Bergen (Norsk) - Berman, Michael R., M.D.
- Hygeia -- an online publication about Pregnancy and Neonatal Loss
- Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard, Boston, MA
- Birmingham, University of, Birmingham, England
- Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Culver City, CA
- BIOSCI -- set of electronic communication forums, the bionet USENET newsgroups and parallel e-mail lists
- Biotrin International, Cedar Knolls, NJ -- products for monitoring the success of organ transplants
- Bonn, University of, Bonn, Germany
- Boston University, Boston, MA
- Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
- Brescia, University of, Brescia, Italy (English)
L'Università degli studi di Brescia (Italiano) - School of Medicine, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology, General Pathology and Immunology
- Braunschweig University, Germany (No English)
Braunschweig, Technische Universitat (Deutsch) - Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
- Brighton Health Care NHS Trust, Brighton, England
- British Columbia, University of, Canada
- British Medical Journal (BMJ) Publications Group, BMA House, London, England
- British Nuclear Medicine Society, London, England
- Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
- Buckmire, Ron
- Busis, Neil A., M.D.
- Neurosciences on the Internet -- an index of neuroscience resources (neurobiology, neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, psychology, cognitive science)
- Calgary, University of, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- California, University of
- California State Rural Health Association
- California State University
- CareeRx -- a physician employment resouce site
- Cambridge, University of, England
- Cambridge Healthtech Institute
- Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse
- Canadian Lung Association (English)
L'Association pulmonaire du Canada (Française) - Canadian Medical Research Council (MRC)
- Canadian Women's Health Network (English)
Canadian Women's Health Network (Française) - CancerNet
- Cape Town, University of, South Africa
- Card Guard Scientific Survival Ltd. (English) -- develops and produces scalable and multifunctional transtelephonic monitoring systems
Card Guard Sobrevivência Científica Ltd. (Português) - Cardiovascular Institute of the South
- Cardiovascular Research Institute of Southern California
- Carney Center, The, VA -- cosmetic surgery clinics
- Case Western Reserve University
- CenterWatch -- information on clinical trials
- Center For Videoscopic and Laser Surgery and Center For Video Thoracic and General Surgery, Marietta, GA
- Video Surgery -- information on preventing, diagnosing, and treating medical problems
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA
- Chicago, University of
- China Guide Company
- Cholesterol, Genetics, And Heart Disease Institute, Redwood City, California
- Chile, Universidad de
- CICNet
- Clark County Nevada Health District
- Cleveland Clinic, Department of Neurosurgery
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
- College of Family Physicians of Canada, The,
The College of Family Physicians of Canada (English) Le Collège des médecins de famille du Canada (Française) - Colorado State University
- Columbia University
- CoMed Communications
- Computerized AIDS Ministry (CAM), The
- Community Breast Health Project (CBHP)
- Connecticut, University of
- Corel Corporation, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
- Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
- Council for Progress in Science and Medicine -- vivisection information
- Craig Rehabilitation Hospital
- Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia (CRS4)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
- The Helix (magazine) -- science newsletter for secondary school students
- Creighton University, Omaha, NE
- Crete, University of, Greece
- Current Clinical Strategies Publishing, Laguna Hills, CA
- Cyberspace Telemedical Office
- Dalhousie University
- Charles A. Dana Foundation
- Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
- DataStar Education Systems and Services -- clinically oriented, computer based medical training
- DeathNet -- legal, medical and ethical issues involved in palliative care, assisted suicide and euthanasia
- University of Delaware
- De Montfort University, UK
- Den-Tel-Net -- a monthly dental newsletter
- Dentistry On-Line
- DeskTop Laboratories, Inc.
- DoctorNET Online
- Donating Blood
- Duke University
- Dundee, University of, Dundee, Scotland
- Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center, Idaho Falls, ID
- Eastern Virginia Medical School
- Edinburgh, University of, Scotland
- Educational Database Resources, Mesa, AZ
- SearchCME -- offers a comprehensive database of over 3,000 Continuing Medical Education Conferences.
- Ege, University of, Turkey
- EINet Galaxy
- Elecomm Corp., Austin, TX
- OBGYN.net -- a physician reviewed online resource for Obstetrics and Gynecology
- ElderCare Financial Management, Inc.
- ElderCare Help Page -- information on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Nursing Homes, Retirement Communities, Home Health Agencies, Elderly Law
- Electronic Newstand
- Electronic Policy Network (EPN)
- Health Policy Page -- offers a variety of full-text articles and reports from public policy organizations and journals.
- EMF-Link -- Biology and health effects of electromagnetic fields
- Emerson College, Boston, MA
- Emory University
- EMPOWER! The Managed Care Patient Advocate
- Erlangen, University of (Deutsch)
- Essen University, Germany
- Euromultimedia SA -- a multimedia publisher
- European Molecular Biology Network (EMBNet)
- Erice Interdisciplinary Crystallographic Meetings
- Eye Research Network
- FEB, Sweden -- The Swedish Association For the Electrically and VDT injured
- Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)
- UNABOM Page -- about a series of mail-bombing attacks, many against universities and faculty.
- Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)
- Find & Promote It! -- resource for finding information on a particular topic or for promoting a web site
- Florence, University of
- Florida, University of
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Franklin Institute's Virtual Science Museum
- Franklin Search Group Inc., The, Cooper City, FL
- F.S.G. Online -- a place where employers and candidates with interests in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medicine and the other sciences can meet.
- Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA
- French Genomics Server, Moulon
- Fujita Health University
- Fukae Nagasaka Clinic
- FWL Collections, Santa Barbera, CA -- health care professionals collection agency for CA
- Gamelan -- Java Programming Resources
- General Electric (GE)
- Gemini Scientific Communications Limited
- Gemini Biopages -- the home of laboratory information
- Diagnosis -- a bi-monthly journal
- Genetics & IVF Institute -- reproductive medicine
- Geneva, University of, Switzerland
- General Practice On-Line -- electronic journal for primary care medicine
- Genoa, University of, Italy
- Physicians' GenRx International (tm)
- George Eby Research, Austin, TX
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- German Aerospace Research Establishment, The (English)
Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) (Deutsch) - Glasgow, University of, Scotland
- Global Market Ltd., London, England
- Goldman Products -- dental products
- Good Medicine Magazine
- Goodwin Institute for Cancer Research
- Greenberg, Michael, M.D.
- Gretmar Communications
- WebDoctor -- medical site designed for rural GPs
- Guy's Hospital, London, England
- Hahnemann University
- Hamburg, University of
- Harvard University
- Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem, Israel -- comprises the Hadassah University Hospitals at Ein Kerem and Mt. Scopus
- Haystack Group, Inc. -- an executive search practice focusing in medical industries.
- Healing Helpline -- a nationwide television advertising campaign for all health care providers and a free public information service for patients.
- Health Care Financing Administration
- Healthcare Information Systems Directory, Vancouver, WA -- directory for computer software / hardware for hospitals, clinics, HMO's, PPO's, and other health care providers.
- HealthGate
- Healthlink Internet Technology Solutions, Rye, NY -- on-line health care information dissemination and communication facilitation service
- HealthNet
- Health in Perspective -- newsletter
- Health On the Net Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland
- Heart Surgery Forum
- Hebb, Michael O., MD, CCFP(EM), DABEM
- Heidelberg, University of, Klinikum Mannheim, Germany
- Henderson Newsletters
- Hoechst Marion Roussel, Inc., Kansas City, MI
- Balanced Medicine, Inc, Denver, CO
- Hong Kong University
- Hospital News -- electronic journal
- HotWired Inc., San Francisco, CA
- Humboldt University, Germany
- HUM-MOLGEN -- Internet Communication Forum in Human Molecular Genetics
- Issues in Medical Education (IMED), San Diego, CA -- a FREE on-line publication devoted to providing information specific to pre-medical students
- International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry (IBMTR)
- Idaho State University
- Illinois, University of
- Immune.Com
- Imperial Cancer Research Fund
- Indiana University, IN
- Information Network, Inc.
- Infomed-Verlags-AG -- medical publishing house from Switzerland
- Infomedix: Alternative Traditional Medicine (book)
- InfoSeek
- Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM) (English)
Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM) (Française) - Interactive Services, Inc.
- interMDnet Corporation
- International Health News
- International Live Surgery Network (ILSN), Innsbruck, Austria (Deutsch)
International Live Surgery Network (ILSN), Innsbruck, Austria (English) - International Lung Sounds Association
- International Medical Informatics Association
- Internet Health Resource
- Internet Information Technologies, Inc., Honolulu, HI
- InTechTra, Inc., Columbus, OH
- InterTech Technologies Corporation, Los Angeles, CA
- Iowa State University
- Iowa, University of
- ISREC -- Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research
- Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine in Gdynia, Poland
- Ivanohoe Broadcast News, Inc.
- Jewish Hospital HealthCare Services, Louisville, KY
- JCL Clinical Research Corporation -- a supplier of diagnostic immunoassay tests
- JJ Marketing, Spring Valley, CA
- The Boulevard -- a Disability and Healthcare site providing information about products and services available to Healthcare professionals and individuals with disabilities.
- Johns Hopkins University
- Journal Club on the Web -- maintained by Michael Jacobson, MD, MPH
- Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation
- Journal of Image Guided Surgery
- Kaminstein, David S., MD, FACG
- Kansas, University of
- Karolinska Institutet, NOVUM, Huddinge, Sweden
- Kent, University of, Canterbury, Kent, England
- Kentucky, University of
- Kencayd Consulting, Victoria, BC, Canada
- King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- Kurzweil Applied Intelligence, Waltham, MA -- computer-based voice recognition systems for use in health care and in general business.
- Kuwait University, Kuwait
- La Jolla Cancer Research Foundation
- The Lang Co./Makura Div., Garden Grove, CA
- Larg*net -- medical research and training information
- Lateiner Dataspace -- medical visualization
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Lawrence Orlando Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
- Leeds, University of, England
- Leicester, University of, England
- Leonhard Lang -- manufacturer of biomedical electronics
- Lerner Lymphedema Services, New York, NY -- lymphedema treatment centers in New York, , and New Jersey
- Lewenberg, Adam, MD
- Lippincott-Raven Publishers -- medical publishers
- Loma Linda University and Medical Center
- London, University of, England
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
- Louisiana State University (LSU)
- Löwenströmska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden (Swedish)
Löwenströmska sjukhusets (Swedish) - Loyola University
- Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich.
- Leukaemia Research Fund, London, UK -- UK charity devoted exclusively to leukaemia and related cancers of the blood in children and adults.
- Madras Medical Mission, Tamilnadu, India
- Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (No English)
Hopital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Française) - Manchester, University of, England
- Manitoba, University of, Canada
- Marburg, University of, Germany
- Marquette Electronics -- manufacturer of biomedical electronics
- Marshall Group, The -- a Physician Recruiting Center
- Marshall University
- Maryland, University of
- Marxhausen, Paul, Engineering Electronics Technician, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE
- Masel Industries
- Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
- Massachusetts, University of
- Mayo Foundation and Clinic
- May and Associates, Torrance, CA -- medical technical recruiting firm
- McGill University, Montreal, Canada
- Med Help International, Melbourne, FL -- medical information for patients and their families
- MedWeb Nederland, Amsterdam, Netherlands -- a Dutch company of medical specialists, graphical designers, editors and programmers who create medically oriented Websites.
- MedAccess, Lexington, Massachusetts -- provider of health and wellness information
- MedExplorer - a medically related search engine
- Medical College of Ohio
- Medical Design Company -- custom web sites and communications programs for those within the health care field
- Medical EquipNet
- Medical Internet Communications, Inc., Apple Valley, MN
- Medical Journal of Australia (MJA)
- Medical Meeting Place, The
- Medical Network Inc., Princeton, NJ
- MedConnect -- medical education service including CME
- HealthAtoZ -- a navigational tool comprised of all health and medical sites on the Internet
- Medical Radiography Home Page
- Medical Reporter, The
- Medical Research Council (MRC), England
- Medical Strategies, Inc
- Healthtouch -- health information and health services resources
- Mediconsult.com -- a free virtual medical clinic that provides professionally moderated, patient focused, detailed medical information and support.
- MediTech Media Ltd
- Medizin/Pharma Online (English) -- mostly in German, some English and French
Medizin/Pharma Online (Deutcsh) Medizin/Pharma Online (Française) - MedLink -- the Swedish Medical Information System (mostly in Swedish)
- MedNexus
- MedScape Inc., New York, NY -- peer-reviewed, practice-oriented information in AIDS, infectious diseases, urology, and surgery.
- MedSearch America -- Biomedical job and career information
- Meeker Group, San Francisco, CA -- WWW service provider with health care experience
- Melbourne, University of, Australia
- Memorial Hospital of Bedford County, Everett, PA
- Metronome Press -- continuing education in the health sciences
- Michigan, University of
- Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
- Mie University, Mie, Japan (English)
Mie University, Mie, Japan (Japanese) - Minnesota, University of, Minneapolis/St Paul, MN
- Misc.Education.Medical Newsgroup Home Page
- Mississippi State University
- Missouri, University of
- Monash University, Australia
- Montreal, University of
Montréal, Université de - Montreal Institute of Reproductive Medicine (English)
l'Institut de Médecine de la Reproduction de Montréal (Française) - Monsanto Corporation
- Mount Sinai School of Medicine
- Mount Vernon Hospital, UK
- Murdoch University - Respiratory Images
- Multi-Com, Paris, France
- Multimedia Medical Reference Library
- Nagoya University School of Medicine - Pathy for medical information
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- National Ambulatory Hernia Institute Inc., CA
- National Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan
- National Cancer Institute
- National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
- National Council against Health Fraud
- National Institute of Animal Health, Tsukuba Science City, Japan (English)
- National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD
- National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine
- National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) Inc., New Fairfield, CT -- a federation of voluntary health organizations dedicated to providing information on the prevention, treatment, and cure of rare "orphan diseases".
- National Physician Assistant Web Page
- NationJob, Inc. -- lists current nursing, technician, physician, and other related positions
- Nature Publishing
- U.S. National Science Foundation
- Nebraska, University of, Lincoln, NE
- Newcastle, University of, New South Wales, Australia
- Newcastle-upon-Tyne, University of, England
- Newfoundland, Memorial University of
- New Jersey, University of Medicine and Dentistry of
- New Technology Publishing, Inc., Onset MA
- New York, State University of (SUNY)
- Albany
- SUNY Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome
- Stony Brook
- Syracuse, Health Science Center
- New York State Department of Health
- New York University (NYU)
- North American Snakebite Emergency Medicine
- North Carolina Society for Medical and Scientific History
- North Carolina State University
- North Carolina, University of, Chapel Hill
- North Dakota, University of
- Northeastern University
- Northwestern University
- Nova-Links
- NYSERNet, Albany, NY
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
- Obstetrical Sonography (Ultrasound)
- Oklahoma State University
- Oklahoma, University of
- On-Line Medical Journal Club
- Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute, South Africa
- Openseason.com -- health information
- Internet Opthamology
- Oregon Health Sciences University
- O'Reilly & Associates' Whole Internet Catalog
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- Online Journal of Veterinary Research® (OJVR) --
- Orthopaedic Research Laboratories, Cleveland, OH -- educational courses and orthopaedic research
- Osbon Medical Systems, Ltd., USA
- Osteometer -- osteoporosis research
- Osteopathic Medicine Resource Page
- OVINet
- O&P Digital Technologies,Inc.
- Pabst Science Publishers
- Palo Alto Medical Foundation
- Pan American Health Organization
- PanVera Corporation -- biological reagents for Healthcare and Life Science
- Cure Paralysis Now! Homepage -- a collection point for research on paralysis resulting from central nervous system damage
- Park Medical Systems (Quebec, Canada)
- Pasteur Institute (English)
Institut Pasteur (Française) - Paul Scherrer Institute
- Pathfinder
- Pavia, University of, Pavia, Italy
- Pediatric Surgery Update (newsletter) -- dealing with issues of interest to primary physicians, pediatricians, and surgeons
- Pennsylvania, University of
- Pennsylvania State University (Penn State)
- Perspectives Network, The -- information about acquired brain injury
- Pharmacia Biotech -- biotechnology supplier
- PharmInfoNet
- Pisa, University of (Italy)
- Pittsburgh, University of, Pittsburgh, PA
- Polio and Post-Polio Resources
- Pomona College
- Poole Hospital NHS Trust, Poole, Dorset, UK
- Platypus -- Programme Listing for Anomalies on Pre-Natal Ultrasound
- Preferred Health Strategies, Ltd., Rye, NY -- a national health care consulting organization
- Resources for Primary Care Physicians
- National Psoriasis Foundation
- Psychiatry On-Line and the International Journal of Psychiatry
- PsyDoc2B -- a 'closed' (restricted subscription) internet mailing list for medical students who are interested in psychiatry
- Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- P\S\L Consulting Group Inc.
- University of Queensland
- rac enterprises, Richardson, TX
- Rayne, Dr. David, North Yorkshire, UK
- Research Triangle Pharmaceuticals
- Riverdale Publishing
- Rochester, University of
- Rolling Hills Publishing
- Roswell Park Cancer Institute
- Rothamsted Experimental Station
- Royal Free Hospital of Medicine
- Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
- Mycobacterial database -- MycDB Mycobacteria include the causative agents of leprosy and tuberculosis.
- Radiological Society of North America
- Russell Johns Associates, Ltd.
- RxList -- a database of prescription and over-the-counter drugs
- Sapient Information Systems Corporation, Inc., Portland, OR
- Scan Sound, Inc., Coral Springs, FL -- manufactures MRI patient stereo sound systems
- Sciacca Comprehensive Service Development for Mental Illness, Drug Addiction and Alcoholism (MIDAA), New York, NY
- Scotlens -- contact lenses by net
- Scripps Research Institute
- SimBioSys -- a program for medical simulations
- Singapore, National University of
- SilverPlatter Education
- Shoreland, Inc
- Slater, Jonathan D., MD, Kamloops, BC, Canada -- pediatric consultant
- Sleep Medicine
- School of Sleep Medicine
- Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Sheffield, England
- Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery (Rio de Janeiro Section), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Spanish)
Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery (Rio de Janeiro Section), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Espanol) - Society of General Internal Medicine, Washington, DC
- Society of Surgery and Medicine of São José do Rio Preto, Brazil (English)
Society of Surgery and Medicine of São José do Rio Preto, Brazil (Espanol) - South Bank University, London, England
- South Florida, University of
- Southern California Orthopedic Institute
- Southern Illinois University
- Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
- Sparta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- Springer-Verlag Publishers
- Stanford University
- Stone, A., M.D. -- cosmetic surgery
- Sumeria -- Heterodox Science and Medicine
- Surrey, The University of, Guildford, Surrey, UK
- Sween, Nancy
- Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
- Taiwan
- Tennessee, University of
- Texas, University of
- Texas Medical Center, The, Houston, TX
- TheraSearch, Inc., Dallas, TX
- Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
- Toledo, University of, Ohio
- Tom Trimble, RN, San Francisco, CA
- Touch Technology Inc.
- Toronto, University of
- TSX Model-A -- a tactile stimulation device and operating software
- Traditional Plants Knowledge, Identifications -- ethobotany
- Trauma Surgery and Trauma Care
- Trinity Regional Health System, Illinois/Iowa
- Triple Star Systems, Inc.
- Tripler Medical Center
- Tuen Mun Hospital, Hong Kong
- Tulane University
- Turchin, Aleksandr L
- Active Learning Centre -- compilation of self-assessment tests in different areas of knowledge including Microbiology, Pharmacology and Vaccines.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
- Public Health Service (PHS)
- UICC (International Union Against Cancer)
- UltiTech, Inc.
- United Medical and Dental School (UMDS), London, UK
- UnCover Literature Searching Service
- Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) Department of Pathology
- United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS)
- University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA -- a consortium of universities and organizations
- Utah, University of, Salt Lake City, UT
- Uppsala University
- Vanderbilt University
- VanMing Inc. -- maker of medical devices
- Vermont, University of
- Veterinary Science, University of, Budapest, Hungary
- Viaticus Inc. -- a provider of finiancial resources to persons living with life threatening illnesses (AIDS, cancer, etc)
- Victoria, University of, BC, Canada
- Victoria State Emergency Service
- Vienna University of Technology, in Austria
- Virginia, University of
- Virginia Commonwealth Univ (VCU), Richmond, VA
- Virginia Tech
- Virtual Courses in Biology
- VSB Corp. -- provides financial resources to the seriously ill
- Wade, Jeanine, PhD, Licensed Psychologist, Austin, Texas
- Wadsworth Center, New York Department of Health
- Wales, University of, Aberystwyth, Wales
- Washington, University of, Seattle, WA
- Washington University, St. Louis Missouri
- Wayne Memorial Hospital
- Wayne State University
- WebCube -- publisher of books, audios and videos in medical areas
- Web of Addictions -- alcohol and drug abuse info
- Web Medical Literature Services
- WebMedLit -- a new web resource which tracks updates to 18 medical journals on the web and builds topical views from the combined tables of contents.
- Wexler, Nancy, MA MFCC
- Westmead Hospital
- Western Ontario, University of,
- Whitehall-Robins Healthcare
- Whitehead Chiropractic Center, Austin, TX
- Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
- Williams, Rick, Respiratory Care Practioner & Carol, Registered Nurse
- Williams & Wilkins -- publishers in medicine and health sciences
- WinHealth Systems, Newport News, VA -- state-of-the-art Practice Management Systems for Windows!
- Wisconsin, Medical College of
- Wisconsin, University of, Madison, WI
- World Federation of Hemophilia (Haemophilia) -- online resource for the hemophilia community, treaters and patients a like
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Institute
- The World Lecture Hall -- on-line courses and courseware
- World Society of Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Wright-Patterson AFB
- Xillix Technologies Corp., Richmond, B.C., Canada -- a medical device company engaged in the research, development and commercialization of imaging products.
- Yale University
- Zulia, University of, Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela (Spanish)
La Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela (Espanol) - Anticancer League of Zulia State
Dr Akash Garg dragarg@email.com |